Our chill castings, BSP, are produced by a unique method developed by BENNINGER GUSS AG. BSP is characterised by a very good homogeneity and compact structure. These stress-relief annealed materials can be perfectly processed. This certainly pays off because you save time and money during further processing.
BSP is available in 5 different qualities, BSP-L10, BSP-L20 (grey cast iron), BSP-S10, BSP-S20 and BSP-BENODUR®(nodular cast iron).
Continuous castings have a very good structural density. The product is in stock in various material qualities and cross-sections, unmachined or rough-machined,
in standard lengths.
Gravity die castings, Continuous castings, Hollow bars/bushings, Standard plates, Clamping elements
Standard plates of gravity die castings, hollow bars/bushings up to a length of 1,000 mm and clamping elements produced by sand casting can be called up at short notice.